Oh the bin situation...the house just doesn't want to let it go. Will called first thing in the morning and they never showed up. Let's see, what happened today. The new guy Brandon dug out the rest of the footings. Will and Gabe have started to put in the beams on the main floor. Yeah, some actual carpentry has begun.
We have to make a decision about those darn stairs. When the living room is cleared of debris we can tape off the area where the stairs would come to and we can decide once and for all. To recap, the current plans have the stairs to my suite taking a chunk out of Linda's living room and would be left with a narrow room and it is awkward with the fireplace where it is. Will also has an idea of moving the basement stairs to align with the upstairs to free up more space. Is a good idea but causes a problem in the basement 'rec' room and takes up too much room in the front bedroom on the main, which is why we had them put there in the first place. Clear as mud.
yea that was very clear???????