A Reno Tale

Two years in the planning and we have FINALLY started.


Wednesday, November 10, 2010

Week 3 - Day 11

I assume on all reno jobs things come up.  The door to the en-suite bathroom on the main floor is not square, which neither of us have really noticed, but now that you look at it a decision about squaring that off needs to be made.

They finally came for the bin today and dropped off a new one. The boys spent a good part of the day in the basement, getting the footings ready.  After the pads are prepped and before they can pour,  the engineer has to sign off and then the city comes to take a look.  Will wants to get that done by Friday so the cement can cure over the weekend.  Nice to see something other than demo and whoever is out there won't see anymore piles of rubble.

The existing footings are 12" x 12".  Code now requires them to be 3' x 3'.  All need to be dug out like so.

There have been temporary walls built to support the beam that is holding up my house in order to remove the old posts. Things that make you go mmmm.


  1. god , I hope they know what they are doing??

  2. Well, since an engineer and the city inspector checks things out, I am sure they know what they are doing.


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